Since Monday, September 20, 2021, the Alpine Museum has been closed to the public for renovation work.



Since Monday, September 20, 2021, the Alpine Museum has been closed to the public for renovation work.

Led by the Community of Communes of the Chamonix-Mont-Blanc Valley, this ambitious comprehensive renovation project is planned for 4 years. The Alpine Museum will thus become the Mont-Blanc Museum, which will provide the area with a structuring and innovative facility, up to the cultural challenges of today and tomorrow. It will help diversify the valley's tourist activities in the context of climate change.

About the project

The project involves the expansion of the current site from an area of ​​600 to 1,800 m² of exhibition space and its complete renovation, including making it accessible and thermally renovated.

The expansion of the museum will make it possible to offer 3 permanent exhibition spaces, with 3 distinct themes:

  • Adaptations: history of the Mont-Blanc territory
  • Exploits: mountaineering in the Mont-Blanc territory
  • Landscapes: artists' views of the Mont Blanc territory


A temporary exhibition space is also planned, as well as a new reception area with a shop, technical and management premises and a space dedicated to educational activities.

The scenography will be completely revised to be more attractive and contemporary, with media and digital devices designed for all audiences: families, international audiences, people with disabilities, school groups and adults... Particular care has been taken to preserve the heritage architecture of this former palace through compliance with the recommendations of the Architect of Buildings of France: the addition of a central exterior volume will restore balance to the façade and recall the intentions of the rotunda of 1914-1935, the intermediate body will be reworked in a contemporary manner and the new entrance will be marked by an airlock appealing to pedestrians from the quays of the Arve torrent.

The surroundings of the museum will also be redesigned to clarify the accesses and exterior spaces of the building.

This renovation will also make this place resolutely exemplary from an environmental and accessibility point of view.

The opening of the Mont-Blanc museum is scheduled for the end of 2025.

Project funding

With an overall estimated cost of €7.6 million, the renovation project is being led by the Communauté de communes de la Vallée de Chamonix-Mont-Blanc with the support of numerous partners : the French State within the framework of France relance, the Conseil départemental de la Haute-Savoie, the city of Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, the European Union with the Alcotra DAHU project as well as the Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.

Tableau récapitulatif des financements du projet de rénovation du musée Alpin
Logos des soutiens financiers de la rénovation du musée Alpin

Other funding

In order to help finance its renovation, a subscription has been launched via the Fondation du Patrimoine. This is open to all.